1.  Medical and Nursing Malpractice Cases

(a)   Cases involving professional negligence of health care providers, health care facilities or learning institutions.

(b)   Cases involving the negligence of an individual or entity who makes decisions regarding access to care.

(i)         Delay of appropriate treatment

(ii)        Inappropriate use of cost control measures (i.e.) utilization review

(iii)       Negligent case management


2.  Personal Injury Cases

Non-professional negligence cases (P.I.)

Examples of cases: Dog bite, toxic mold, sports injuries, maritime injuries, railroad injuries, liquor liability, aviation accidents, theme park accidents, auto accidents, premises liability (e.g. slip and fall, sexual assault, physical assault).


3.  Products Liability Cases

All cases related to Personal injury, death or property damage caused by the design, preparation, construction, manufacture, assembly, packaging, installation, testing, warnings, instructions, marketing, or labeling of any product.

Categories of products liabilities cases:

(a)   Medical Devises

Examples: Hip implants, implantable defibrillators (AICD), pacemakers, silicone breast implants, ventilators, heart valves, heart stents, IV pumps, vaginal mesh.

(b)   Drugs:

Examples: Vioxx®, Botox®, Celebrex®, birth control pills, hormone therapy.

(c)    Non-Medical Devise Cases:

Examples: Machines and equipment, children’s toys, baby equipment, cigarettes and lighters, motor vehicles and parts, food, household products, industrial products, consumer products (e.g.)  appliances, vacuum cleaners.


4.  Toxic Tort and Environmental Cases

Cases involving alleged damages and injuries caused by release of toxins into the environment.

Examples: Lead or Arsenic poisoning, sick building syndrome, waste management and disposal, pesticides, hazardous chemicals, radiation contamination, electromagnetic fields, waste products from manufacturing.


5.  Workers’ Compensation and Workplace Related Injury Cases

Cases involving injuries that occur during or because of a course of employment. Claimant must prove that he cannot earn equivalent wages at same or other employment.

Examples: Equipment and machinery related, cumulative trauma disorders, injury caused by objects striking worker, back injuries, auto accidents.



6.  Criminal Cases

Cases that involve any act that society has deemed contrary to public good. The act must be injurious to society to be a crime.

Examples: DUI or DWI, excessive use of force by law enforcement, possession of narcotics, Medicaid, Medicare fraud, psychiatric defense issues, victims of violent crime, criminal environmental cases, child, spouse or elderly abuse, sexual or physical abuse.


7.  Any Case Involving Health, Illness or Injury

CLNC® are qualified to answer questions, research topics, and assist Attorney’s in developing medical related issues.

Examples: Family Law (custody battle), Probate (competency issues), school health, American Disabilities Act, employer-employee relationship, sexual harassment, right to die, social security benefit issues, physician family relationships, psychiatric therapist abuse or negligence, insurance issues, FMLA, wrongful adoption, health professional disciplinary actions, bad faith litigation against insurance companies who failed to pay or deny treatment