This company came about from a love of Nursing and from decades of caring for those wanting to get better, those hoping to live a little longer and those asking to let go with grace and dignity. After 38 years of giving my heart and soul, many pairs of shoes, countless missed meals and lots of cups of tea, I wanted to be able to continue to make a difference and to promote the highest standards of medical care, ensure the safest products available and to continue to support a healthy environment.
Everyone deserves the best care available, whether rich or poor, Caucasian or African American, male or female, protestant or catholic, we should all get equal care with equal outcomes. Events along the way change these outcomes, some can be controlled, others not. Sometimes poor outcomes are because of “human nature”, “wrong place wrong time”, individual responses, or a person’s “coping” mechanisms but others are because of failure to follow regulations, policy and procedure, deviations from accepted standards or reckless disobeying of the law
Our goal is not to help bring a law suit against every provider or company that has a bad outcome or to get millions for every accident victim on the road but to help promote a better system, by making every person accountable to accepted standards, for society to be accountable for their own actions and for everyone to be accountable to the law.
These outcomes may mean products are changed, policies updated and improved, techniques advanced and maybe new laws created, but most of all these outcomes should make medical needs for any illness or injury better, safer and a higher quality necessity.