There are many styles, types and formats of reports. It depends whether you are representing the plaintiff or defense, personal injury or medical malpractice, product liability or toxic tort. Maybe a little explanation will help you decide.
· Assessing whether a case has merit or is defensible.
· Usually the first service provided by a CLNC©
· Helps keep non-meritorious cases out of the system.
· Promotes faster settlement.
· Cost effective.
Report takes about 90 minutes per page and is given as a 1 page verbal or email opinion.
· 1-15 pages long.
· Often used by defense.
· Used by Consulting and testifying experts.
· Narrative and outline format are used most commonly.
On average it takes 90 minutes per page to produce. Report would include: Opening paragraph, services requested and what records were reviewed, bottom line opinion whether meritorious or not and case theme. The body of the report would include a discussion of the facts and opinions with reference to key standards and research. Followed by recommendations for other services or additional records and documents necessary to develop the case.
· 16-50 pages.
· Usually for plaintiff or complicated defense case
· Used by consulting experts.
· Format can be narrative, outline, chronological timeline (with or without comment), tables or graph. These reports take on average 90 minutes per page. The components of these reports could include:
1. Opening paragraph explaining services requested and a list of documents and records reviewed.
2. Issues
3. Bottom line opinion and case theme.
4. Summary of the case facts and relevant information.
5. Deviations from and adherences to the standards of care with reference to key standards and research.
6. Possible defenses.
7. Injuries sustained and Causation analysis.
8. Problems with case for plaintiff and defense.
9. Recommended types of testifying experts.
10. Recommendations for additional discovery.
11. Recommendations for additional services, further case development and necessary future action.
12. Conclusion.
· 50 pages or more.
· Primarily used by consulting experts.
· The format can be narrative, outline, chronological time line and table and graphs. Usually consists of a combination of all of the above.
· Usually used for complex cases involving death or significant injuries with large volumes of medical records.
The components of these reports are similar to the moderate report.