Whether we are analyzing injuries, damages and their causation or deviations from standards of care a CLNC’s reports can make the medical information available to you clear, concise and from the perspective of a multi-faceted objective.
Your expert MD’s will only look at those records from Physician’s but what about the Nurses, Physical Therapists, Hospital Systems and other Ancillary Staff who may be involved and have an impact on the outcome.
Do you understand those complicated diagnosis? We do and can explain the significance to you as they relate to your case.
What may seem like a slam dunk case may not be when you delve deeper into the relevant medical information about the incident. Was that low blood pressure significant? Did the mechanism of the seat belt cause the chest injury? Were those lab tests painting a different picture from the admission note in the medical records?
Was there evidence of tampering? Were there staffing issues the day in the Emergency Room? Were pre-existing conditions exacerbated? Were hospital policies and procedures followed?
There is far more to a medical record than just a car accident with resulting injuries or a surgery with bad outcomes.
It could be a verbal screening opinion, brief-moderate report or chronological time line with comments and analysis but what ever fits your need case by case a CLNC’s report can make a huge impact on your business for every medical related case.