It seems the Flu season of 2019-2020 has started a little early, mostly in the Southern States. The emergence of Influenza B is mostly to blame for this.
We usually see Influenza A at the beginning of the season but some reason we are seeing Influenza B in these early months.
Preliminary CDC estimates for 2019-2020 Flu season are out:
17 million illnesses
800,00 medical visits
16,000 hospitalizations
910 deaths
For comparison the 2017-2018 season:
79,000 deaths
CDC estimated that the vaccine prevented 7 million cases of the flu.
Only affects humans and seals
Usually passed human to human
Very little influenza B in 2018-2019 season
Affects mostly children and young adults
Flu shot covers both Influenza A and B
Wash your hands whenever going to eat or touch your face.
Stay home if you have a fever
Get a Flu shot