A Certified Legal Nurse Consultant is a Registered Nurse who has successfully completed and passed the CLNC® certification program developed by the company who pioneered the profession of Legal Nurse consulting. The CLNC® has the expertise as a health care provider to consult on medical related legal cases, analyzing, pin pointing and interpreting medical, nursing and hospital system events, in any case involving health, illness or injury.
A CLNC® can bridge the gap in Attorneys knowledge case by case. Whilst the Attorney is the legal expert the CLNC® is the expert on medical, nursing and health care systems. CLNC®'s screen cases for merit, review medical records, identify standards of care, prepare reports and summaries on the extent of injury of illness, assist with discovery, create demonstrative evidence and locate or act as expert witnesses.
The CLNC® acts as a specialized member of the litigation team whose professional contributions are often essential to achieving a fair and just outcome for all parties concerned.
A little History:
As far back as the 1970’s Nurses were staring to get compensated for their expertise when consulting on legal cases that involved medical records. In the early 1980’s nurses who consulted in legal cases were primarily called “nurse paralegals”. Then in 1982 Vickie Milazzo created the new nursing specialty “Legal Nurse Consulting” and in 1984 she founded the first certification for Legal Nurse Consultants.
The specialty continues to grow and expand, Legal Nurse Consultants are now routinely used in medical related cases by Attorneys across the country, their skill, expertise and knowledge are irreplaceable within the legal team.